Saturday, November 29, 2014

Drawing Fashion Style

I really like fashion designing and sewing clothes! About a year ago I found this book that is really cool and teaches you how to draw people and clothes. It also teaches you what kind of clothes and stuff people wore in the past. My friend named Grace is great at drawing! Here are two of the drawings that she drew. Hope you like them
P.S. They were designed to be worn in the past (around the 80's and 70's)

Grace drew this one and she called it the "Neon Green Skirt that's bold and bright"

Here is another drawing by my Grace.

She calls this one the "Christmas party Dress"
She did a christmas background also. 

Hope you liked them!! I also hope you had a great holiday!


  1. Those are really good! Did you have fun in Virgna? jazz emmi

    1. Yes I had a lot of fun! Except I got sick and ran a fever so I didn't get to eat anything for Thanksgiving. That wasn't fun but other wise I had a good time! :)
      Diamond Gabrielle
